a woman calming herself with yoga. She is sitting with legs crossed, eyes closed, and a closed lips smile on her face

Online casino gaming here at Jackpot Capital is a lot of fun.  Gamers have so many different games to choose from and, since you are playing from home most of the time, you can play every one of our approximately 300 games over time.

The most fun the average gamer will have at any casino is to simply enjoy playing.   Many gamers win a little money, as well.  Winning is certainly more fun than losing but, and here is one of the biggest truisms of any real money gaming, if you see gaming as a fun and entertaining activity in its own right, you will finish a session feeling good.

Staying in Control

We offer unlimited free play to gamers.  This is one way gamers can stay in control of their gaming.  Another way is to set comfortable time and money budgets for gaming for real money.  We recommend 30-60 minutes for a session since gamers also have other excellent things to do!

All of the positive suggestions we have made here ─ to see gaming as fun and entertaining and to set short and reasonable budgets for gaming ─ are excellent ways to combat one of the biggest bugaboos of gaming and of life in general.

That big bugaboo is losing control of oneself to anger.  We are talking about anger at a string of disappointing losses.  There is a vast supply of literature on how to control your anger on the road, at work, with neighbors, and so on.

So, here we will talk about methods gamers can use to control their anger.

The First Benefit of Being Reasonable

We said above that gamers should set reasonable time and money budgets for online casino gaming.  Let us state and then put aside the singular fact that it is a lot harder to set reasonable time and money budgets for playing at a land-based casino.  This very sound practice is practical much more at an online casino such as Jackpot Capital.

The first benefit of being reasonable is that you have taken the time to decide what is reasonable in the area of online casino gaming.  You might have taken out pen and paper and written down your regular expenses.  An excel page might be more practical in the modern world but a lot of people react better to the good old-fashioned pen and paper method of jotting things down.

As soon as you formally accept the condition of reasonability, you are far ahead on the way to staying in control of yourself.

Play a Lot of Different Slots

Some gamers play for a big progressive jackpot.  This does often lead to excessive disappointment which can easily turn into anger.  Progressive slots usually have high volatility.  So, in many cases, not only will you not win the big jackpot, but you could lose most if not all of your budget just playing these slots.

Slots offer a wide variety of entertainment possibilities.  We know that land-based casino players usually lose out on the variety of slots available since they usually stick to one or two.

Online gamers at Jackpot Capital and all other online casinos can play hundreds of slots.  These slots have storylines that range from ancient cultures to futuristic themes and from fun and colorful slots to more serious slots.  Slots are the quintessential one size fits all concept in online casino gaming.

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Play All of Our Games

As long as you are playing all of our slots, we suggest that you sample all of our games.  We offer specialty games like Fish Catch and Banana Jones that are designed to put a smile on any gamer’s face.

Cuddly Banana Jones has become a favorite game here at Jackpot Capital.

We carry many variations of video poker, table poker such as Pai Gow Poker and Caribbean Poker, and blackjack.  These games are a lot different than slots and give a refreshing alternative to spinning more slots.  In addition, when you play blackjack and video poker correctly, your return to player rate will be about 99.5%.

We cannot think of any entertainment that would cost as little as $5 which is how much it would cost you to play for an hour, wager in total $1000, and get back 99.5% of that money.  By the way, in order to wager $1000 in total in blackjack or video poker, you can do so with a monetary budget of $100 or less!

The Anger Experts Have Some Good Advice

The first thing to recognize is that everyone gets angry from time to time.  Anger management keeps the overwhelming majority of people calm and in control even when they are angry.  The techniques we will discuss below are available to everyone and most people use some or all of them naturally when they get angry.

Take Time Out

If you are playing and have a long losing streak, to the point that you are angry, the experts would say that you should end the session right there and go out for a walk.  Unless there is a monsoon going on outside, you can take a walk in the rain as well!

Ending the session protects you from another big mistake some gamers make, namely, to throw good money after bad.  You lost.  Accept it and go to another happy activity.

Cultivate a Hobby

Everyone has one or two activities that they like doing more than others.  When you take a time out because of anger, you should have one of two go-to activities that can bring you out of your funk in a hurry.

There are so many different hobbies each of which serve as calming and soothing activities for the people who really enjoy them.

Use Established Relaxation Methods

Here also there is a huge number of methods that people use to relax.  Find the one that suits you best.

Close Your Eyes

Do not try this one when you are driving!

If you are angry because you just missed a big jackpot, for example, close your eyes and think about something that should quickly make you feel better.  A very good side effect of this anger management technique is that, if a person cannot think of something that makes them feel better after getting angry at the casino, that, in itself, is a good sign that they should not be playing online casino games for real money.

Remember, we offer unlimited free play!  No one gets angry when they play for free.

Watch Something Funny

There are hours and hours of funny things to watch on YouTube.  Laughing will surely take the sting out of your anger.

A Reminder from Jackpot Capital

The goal for every gamer whenever he or she sits down to play ─ increasingly, gamers are curling up on the sofa or in bed to play on our excellent mobile gaming platform ─ should be to have a lot of fun.

We hope that this article, along with the few hundred other articles we carry, will help point you in the right direction ─ towards fun!


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