very attrractive young African American woman on the sofa pumping her fist maybe because she has won on her laptop computer

Here at Jackpot Capital, we have spoken pretty often about the big differences between land-based casinos and online casinos.  In our evaluation, the advantage always adheres to the online casinos. So, here we will not retread the already spoken main differences between online and land-based casinos.

Instead, let’s look at some differences that you may not have noticed.

Covid 19 Was a Boon for Online Casinos

The main takeaway here is that a lot of players who were totally all in on the land-based casino experience came to online casinos such as Jackpot Capital during the shutdowns, liked what they saw here, and have stayed gaming at Jackpot Capital even as they do sometimes go back to a land-based casino.

Land-based casinos have had about two years to recover from the pandemic and a lot of them are struggling to regain the footing they had before the pandemic.  People have seen the advantages of online casino gaming and want to continue most of their casino play online.

Many Land-based Casino Players Leave Large Amounts of Money on their Player Cards

A player’s time at any land-based casino is limited.  They may still have money on their player’s card and they go back home with the card.  Land-based casinos know that some players leave thousands of dollars on their player’s card, assuming that they will return to the casino down the road.

Many do not come back to that casino down the road.

Online casino gamers know that they can play whenever they have the time and inclination to do so.  Therefore, any money they have in their account will be accessed soon.  There is no such thing as an online casino account that lies dormant for years.

Land-based Casinos are Not Nearly as Clean as You Might Think

This is a very sensitive matter so we will skirt around the edges.  Imagine a public place that has to change the seats and carpets more often than they would like to.  That is the reality at a lot of land-based casinos.

An online casino is as clean as your house!  So, keep your house clean and the online casino you play at, hopefully Jackpot Capital, will be as clean as a whistle too.

Land-based Casinos Want Players to be Somewhat Under the Influence

Land-based casinos give away free alcohol.  Most players will start to feel some kind of slight inebriation after just one or two drinks.  But the casinos keep the alcohol coming.

Now, a little inebriation is good for the casinos since players start to make more wild bets when they are under the influence than when they are stone sober.  But a little inebriation is not so good for players who are not under the influence.  There is a hassle factor for players at land-based casinos that simply cannot and does not exist at any online casino.

When you play online, you normally will play for a relatively short time so it is easy to delay having a few drinks until after the gaming session is over.

The Hotel Front Desk is through the Casino

This is what happens at any land-based casino that also has a hotel.  So, the casino wants you to be tempted to play even when you know that you shouldn’t.  If you are too tired to play and you decide to go for a walk at night to “enjoy” the less hot Las Vegas evening, you will still be sorely tempted to at least make a few bets before going back to your room.

A lot of land-based casinos extend the temptation by offering a mobile gaming platform in your hotel room!

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At Land-based Casinos, the First Games You See are Slots

Slots have the highest house advantage of any game in the casino, with the possible exception of Keno.  The game providers can calibrate the random number generator to return any percentage the casino says back to the players.

Volatility and Visibility

At Jackpot Capital, all of our slots are equally visible as we list them in chronological order of their first appearance.  We also tell you if the slot has high, medium, or low volatility.

A lot of land-based casinos put their high volatility slots front and center and “hide” the low volatility slots at the edges of the casino floor.

Blackjack Has a Very High Return to Player Rate

The return to player rate in blackjack is about 99.5% if you play every hand correctly.  Most players do not know the best strategy for every hand.  In fact, a lot of players will stand will 12 or more points on all hands without regard for the dealer’s up card.

This is the way players lose more than that one-half of one percent.  Therefore, a lot of gamers choose to play at a low-risk blackjack table.  The $2 table is a favorite of blackjack players but a lot of land-based casinos only offer a $5 minimum bet.

Here at Jackpot Capital, we encourage fiscally responsible gaming so you can bet $2 at blackjack.

Land-based Casinos Payout Less Than Online Casinos

This one is very common but not universal.  The way land-based casinos pay less is by:

  1. Calibrating the random number generator to pay less than 90% to players.
  2. Paying only 6-5 for a blackjack.
  3. Paying 8-5 or 7-5 for a full house and a flush in video poker.
  4. Most land-based casinos offer only American Roulette with a house edge of about 5.5%.  European Roulette has a house edge that is about half the house edge in American Roulette.

Jackpot Capital tells SpinLogic, or game provider, to calibrate slots to pay out about 97% of all money bet.  We pay 3-2 for a blackjack, as we should.  We pay 9-6 for a full house and a flush in video poker, as we should.  We offer European Roulette.

Jackpot Capital Offers Great Deposit Bonuses

This is an area where players know that online casinos have a wild advantage over land-based casinos.  Land-based casinos simply cannot offer deposit bonuses.  Nor can they offer unlimited free play as we do.  Land-based casinos cannot accommodate an unlimited number of players at the same time as we do.

Land-based casinos cannot encourage players to play in short sessions as we do.

Land-based casinos know that people still come to them, albeit in smaller numbers than before the pandemic, because of the excitement.  So, land-based casinos emphasize the bells and whistles and glitz and whooping and hollering.

Jackpot Capital Has a Simple Solution to the Lack of Bells and Whistles and Flashing Lights

Our solution is for you to find those happy and exciting moments on your own.  This makes online casino gamers happier than so many morose players at land-based casinos.  Cultivate other activities that make you happy.  Some people call these activities hobbies.

Sometimes, they are simply things that you like to do even if they are not technically a hobby.  Cooking and baking come to mind.  Some people love to declutter their house once every six months or so.

Land-based casinos “declutter” their slots all the time since they have to take out a terminal for every new terminal they bring in.  Here at Jackpot Capital, we never declutter old slots; we simply call them classics.

All in all, you have ample reason to…


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