a hand reaching toward a neon blue sign with the word "game" on it

The term gamification is a very new term in the world of business and education especially.  It usually refers to trying to use the elements of games to make non-game conditions more interesting and fun and it is the essential element that makes online casino gaming at Jackpot Capital so good.

The success of the math teacher Jaime Escalante is a perfect case of how gamification can work.  He taught high level math at a school in East Los Angeles and he inspired his students, who lacked self-confidence and a sense that they had the potential to succeed, to compete and win the state high school mathematics competition.

He did so by turning the act of learning and mastering high level math into a game.  Pure gamification.

Glamma is Jackpot Capital’s Example of Pure Gamification

Glamma is our mascot, guide, and all around great, exciting, and attractive older woman.  Glamma rides a motorcycle!  It has taken Jackpot Capital a while to realize the potential Glamma possesses in terms of gamification of the online casino experience.

This year, Glamma is visiting a new and exotic location every month.  This month she is in The Bahamas.  The promotion is called Glamma’s Adventures and it has been following Glamma all around the world.  Glamma’s Adventures has a 222% deposit bonus, free spins, and Glamma’s Wheel that gives gamers even more chances to win big prizes.

When we were cooking up this great promotion, we brainstormed what we would call it.  The term “adventures” is also pure gamification.  People who like an adventure love adventures!  So, by calling the promotion Glamma’s Adventures, we conjure up happy thoughts in gamers’ minds.

Gamification Turns Gambling into Gaming

A lot of people like to make a friendly wager on sports and other outcomes.  This is gambling to be sure.  But if it is done in a way that doesn’t endanger one’s overall monetary situation, then it can be called a gaming activity rather than a gambling activity.

This is what online casino gaming at Jackpot Capital is all about.  We offer a friendly gaming environment so gamers can use our casino to relax, unwind, be entertained, and have fun.  In this way, we turn gambling into gaming.  In a real sense, we and all other good online casinos use the idea of gamification to turn what could be an out-of-control gambling situation into a fun gaming situation.

Why Are Online Casinos Better at Gamification Than Land-based Casinos?

People who frequent land-based casinos usually go there for a long weekend.  If they are going to a local land-based casino, they might go for several hours on a weekend afternoon.

At Jackpot Capital online casino, we always encourage gamers to play in short sessions.  We never advocate for hours or days at the casino.  That is the gambling side of the casino experience and we are totally NOT in favor of it!  We favor short, relaxing and fun sessions rather than over-long sessions where the temptation to take out more money to continue playing will be strong.

Jackpot Capital Offers Free Play

No land-based casino can offer unlimited free play.  Here at Jackpot Capital, gamers can play for free as long as they wish!  The atmosphere at a land-based casino is totally different than the atmosphere you get at Jackpot Capital.  Our goal for gamers is that they should have fun.

There is a kind of ennui that obtains at a land-based casino.  When players add up all the money they spent just getting to the casino and staying at the hotel, it amounts to a substantial “investment” in gambling.  We encourage gamers to “invest” in real vacations.

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Planning a Real Vacation is Also a Type of Gamification

When a person plans a trip to Las Vegas for a long weekend, he or she goes online for flights and hotel accommodations.  There is no sense of this being a fun activity!  It is simply a necessary part of gambling at a Las Vegas casino.

But when a person sets out to plan a real vacation, they end up exploring on their computer all kinds of attractions, landmarks, side trips, small towns, and many, many other things they can do on their real vacation.

There is palpable excitement every time they look at the “set” itinerary and “discover” something they had not noticed before in their planning and they re-arrange the itinerary to fit the new “discovery”.

But This Has Nothing to Do with Online Casino Gaming!

Au Contraire, my friend!!

This has everything to do with online casino gaming if you are someone who likes to play casino games.

Here is how this scenario works.  First, we have the land-based casino gambler.  He or she goes to a land-based casino at substantial cost, spends a lot of time on the casino floor, drinks too much free alcohol, makes gambling mistakes, makes at least one trip to the ATM during the weekend, and goes home.

Now, we have the Jackpot Capital Online Casino gamer.  He or she makes the l-o-n-g trek from the kitchen to the sofa with a cup of coffee in hand to play a few games at our great online casino.  All the money they DID NOT SPEND travelling to a land-based casino can now be earmarked for a real vacation.

Suddenly, they have a sizable budget for that well-earned vacation!

The Fun Search Process Begins

Our intrepid gamer now looks for a destination north, south, east, or west of where they live and before they know it, they have ”found” a whole lot of fun places to go to and fun things to do!

Naturally, while they are having a great time on their real vacation, they may not think about how their great weekend started by gaming at Jackpot Capital but it is so!

Gamification Can Work in Any Situation

Robert Pirsig talks about it in his great book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.  He calls it “looking for quality moments” at work, in motorcycle maintenance, or in any other activity.   In our terms he is talking about the gamification of the work day.  Turn the work day into a game of sorts and it can be fun.  Turn it into “just another work day” and it is likely to be terribly boring.

Robert Pirsig’s insight can also be the source of great comedy.  Jeff Foxworthy, in his comedy about rednecks says that if you are all sitting in the living room and someone says: “could someone go jiggle the handle?” you might be a redneck.  Pirsig would say that a person who pursues quality moments would try to fix the handle so that it no longer needs jiggling.  We would say that someone should gamify the activity of fixing the handle!

Let’s finish with another insight from another great writer, M. Scott Peck, in his book The Road Not Travelled.  He talks about children and how everything a kid does is play.  Kids know by instinct how to gamify a moment.  Adults can learn a lot about gamification from watching a little kid play with a plastic truck.

People can also learn a lot about gamification by joining Jackpot Capital, playing all of our games over time in short sessions, and leaving travel time for those real vacations!


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