Glamma in her poncho and sombrero is visiting Mexico City

May is springtime all over North America and Mexico City is a great place to spend springtime.  Jackpot Capital’s famed Glamma’s Adventures is taking her to Mexico City this month.  Glamma is looking forward to venturing in and around Mexico City in May.  The days are warm to high altitude hot and a sweater is enough to be comfortable at night.  Mexico City is high up in a mountain valley!

Glamma knows that it sounds odd to say high up in a mountain valley so she looked up to learn about the geography of Mexico City.

Mexico is 7349 Feet above Sea Level

For everyone outside of the United States, that is 2240 meters! Mexico is located in the Valley of Mexico which is also known as the Valley of the Damned.  The city is surrounded by higher mountains and volcanoes.  These mountains are more than twice the elevation of the city itself.

While the city has a population that exceeds 20,000,000, in land area it is much smaller than New York City.  To say that Mexico City is crowded is an understatement!

With such a large and diverse population, comes a varied cultural scene from the traditional Mariachi bands that frequent the many plazas at night to modern day hip hop and other musical styles.

How Diverse is Mexico City?

In a nutshell, quite!

There are native North American tribes that have passed their traditions onto Mexico writ large and Mexico City also recognizes the history of the Spanish conquistadors.

The vast diversity of Mexico City can be heard in the local music, tasted in the many food stalls, and seen in the dance and architecture.

Isn’t Mexico City Very Polluted?

Mexico City sits in a mountain basin so the air tends to fall and keep pollution in the valley.  The winter air quality is more polluted than in the summer or spring.  By May, when Glamma is in the city, the air quality is much better than in the depth of winter.

To their credit, the governments of Mexico and Mexico City, realizing the health hazard presented by the city’s geography and size, and that the high air pollution was costing a lot of money in lost tourism, have made great strides in improving the air quality of the city.

Where once Mexico City was the most polluted city in the world, now it ranks between the 500th and the 1000th in terms of air quality.

Glamma will schedule a day trip out of Mexico City once every four days just to clear her lungs.  Fortunately, there are many great day trips outside of Mexico City.

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What Day Trips is Glamma Planning?

There is a famous archaeological site near Mexico City called Teotihuacan.  This name is quite a mouthful as are so many of the mountains, volcanoes, and other fascinating sites whose names derive from the ancient native cultures that flourished here many centuries ago.

Teotihuacan was once the site of a thriving city.  The European conquests in all of North America ended many of these societies.  There are many artifacts from the city preserved in the museum at the site.

Teotihuacan also features some very well-preserved pyramids.

Cholula is Called the City of Churches

One thing Glamma is interested in wherever she travels is the local architecture and the stately centuries-old churches.  For this reason, Glamma is going to Cholula.  The churches date from as far ago as the 16th century up to the present.

The abundance of gold in the older churches is a source of wonder and awe but also a sad demonstration of how the people of Mexico were kept poor while the churches bore immense wealth.


This city is close to Mexico City.  It has a crafts market every week so Glama will be sure to go there on the day the market is open.  Tepoztlan is said to have been the birthplace of an Aztec god.  There is yet another pyramid here and Glama hopes to have mild enough weather for her to make the difficult climb to the pyramid.

What Characterizes the Mexico City Music Scene?

The term “son” means sound.  There are many Spanish, Mexican, and native “sounds” that epitomize Mexico City’s music.  The juxtaposition of guitars and horns is very characteristic of the city’s music.

Marimba music can be heard in many venues throughout the city.  The marimba is a type of xylophone.  It is the classic musical instrument of Guatemalan music and plays a big role in the sounds of Mexico as well.

Cumbia is an amalgam of Columbian, European, African, and native sounds.  Mexican artists have out their own twists upon the music that originated in Columbia. Although the name sounds like Kumbaya to an American ear, the music is quite unique.  Glamma is looking forward to finding at least one venue that features Cumbia.

Some locals say that Cumbia is the most authentic music brought to the Americas by Africans.

Glamma Will Take a Cooking Class

This class, usually frequented by tourists who love to cook, is offered in Roma Norte, a neighborhood of Mexico City.  The course runs several hours and is not inexpensive but Glamma wants to savor local color wherever she can find it.

One of the exciting features of the course is a trip to the local food market where participants can buy the ingredients they need to prepare their dishes.  Glamma also likes to sample local herbs and spices.  So, this half-day event is right up her diversity-loving personality.

Glamma Will Eat Churros Every Evening

One of the great things that Glamma has heard about Mexico City is that even small restaurants stay open quite late.  Since Glamma plans on staying up quite late as well, she hopes to have a churros and chocolate late night “snack” every evening come midnight.

Glamma’s Adventures Features Great Promotions

Glamma’s Wheel will travel with her to Mexico City.  Every gamer will have the chance to spin the wheel and win excellent prizes.  Remember, Glamma’s Adventures are offered exclusively at Jackpot Capital Online Casino.  Glamma and Jackpot Capital also offer a deposit bonus with a 220% bonus rate plus free spins.

So, while Glamma is enjoying everything that Mexico City has to offer, gamers can enjoy everything that Jackpot Capital has to offer!


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