Glamma as Hostess and Mascot

Jackpot Capital’s Glamma is at once a mascot for all Jackpot Capital gamers and a hostess, leading gamers to the joys of online casino gaming at Jackpot Capital.

What is a Mascot?

Everyone knows that a mascot is a fictional creature that is said to bring good luck to its followers.  The most well-known mascots are those for sports teams both professional and collegiate.  Whether they bring good luck to their team is, of course, a matter of some doubt since the other team also has a mascot!

Why Do Teams Have Mascots?

If the good luck side of having a mascot doesn’t seem to work in the real world, why, then, do teams go to the trouble of having a mascot?  The simple reason is that it is fun!  Mascots add an element of humor to any proceeding.

Sports, for example, should never be so important that fans lose sight of the fact that ultimately sports are fun.  Mascots appeal to the child in all sports fans.  We should always channel our inner child when we watch or participate in sports or any game.

Jackpot Capital, years ago, recognized the value of having a casino mascot of sorts.  The germ of an idea for Glamma began.

Online Casinos Have Various Kinds of Mascots

Animals drawn in caricature are a favorite mascot theme.  An online casino that caters to Australian gamers may have a kangaroo or a koala bear as its mascot.  We think that crocodile may be a bit over the top even in caricature but we know of one online casino with a croc as its mascot!

The creative people at Jackpot Capital hit on a different approach.  While mascots do attract the inner child in all of us, and that is good, our mascot should be a human.  This would mean that the mascot would double as a host or hostess, as well as a lucky charm, so to speak.

Host or Hostess?

By introducing the possibility that the mascot would also be a hostess, our team faced the real-world question as to the sex of the mascot.  It took some time but the decision came down that we would draw a woman as our hostess and mascot.

Who Was She?

No one at that time knew anything about her since it had just then been decided that the mascot would be a woman.  More brainstorming followed.  An unnamed staff member hit on the idea of Glamma before she had a name.  This staff member thought that Glamma should be attractive in a girl-next-door sort of way.

Glamma should be older than twenty or thirty-something.  Then we had to decide if she would be in her forties, fifties, sixties, or beyond.  Once again, every aspect of Glamma’s appearance had to be worked out.

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The Team Started with Glamma’s Head

Her hair is grey.  That means that she doesn’t have the ego some women have of dyeing their hair long after any woman’s hair would have naturally turned grey or white.  Here was a shout-out to the Grey and Proud movement which encourages women of advanced age to do away with caustic dyes and go with what God has given them!

Glamma was given a cute smile and very smooth skin.  She has no wrinkles or waddle.  She wears glasses but they are down on her nose which gives the impression that she needs them only for reading.  Her distance vision is still excellent!  The glasses have a 1960’s aspect to them as they are cordovan in color.  Cordovan was the color of choice for many things people wore in their youth in the 1960’s.

Glamma wears small, yellow hoop earrings.  She has bright blue eyes.

Then the Team Approached Her Body

The team decided quickly that she should look like an older woman without the curves of a model or starlet.  On the other hand, the team also wanted her to imbue a non-frumpy aspect.

So, they drew her to have a slightly plump figure, not buxom, not fat, but older.  Her legs are a bit large as sexy legs go.  She wears a dress that covers her knees.

Is Glamma Sitting, Standing, Walking, or What?

The team decided to make Glamma seem very hip for her age.  So, they chose to have her riding a motorcycle!  This turned out to be a work of genius as Jackpot Capital could always speak of her as the hippyish older woman always out for an adventure on her motorcycle.

She isn’t the leather-clad motorcyclist.  Instead, she was seen as everyone’s grandmother on a motorcycle!

Now Glamma Needed a Name

Glamma is a shortening of the idea of a glamorous grandma.  Leave it to the Oxford English Dictionary to define Glamma.  She is a woman who embodies the best traits of a committed grandma with just enough glamor to not appear frumpy or old-fashioned.

Glamma, as drawn, and riding her motorcycle is anything but frumpy and old-fashioned.  She has just enough youthfulness to be glamorous and her grey hair lends a great deal of maturity to her glamor.

Glamma Indeed!

For the last several months, Jackpot Capital has sent Glamma to many glamorous spots around the world.  She was in Los Angeles for the Oscars, Paris, Monaco, London, and is now finishing her adventure in Costa Rica.

Jackpot Capital calls this promotion Glamma’s Adventures because adventures they are.  Gamers can experience Glamma’s adventures vicariously or they can make their own exotic bucket list of destinations.

Glamma’s next adventure will take her to the Paradise Carnival in the Bahamas.  We will have another article detailing Glamma’s Adventures there.  The basic promotional details that have marked Glamma’s Adventures so far are still in place.  Gamers can spin the wheel for excellent prizes and take a deposit bonus of 222%!  Glamma is also offering free spins so get jiggy with Glamma’s next adventure.

Jackpot Capital is Home to Many Online Casino Gamers

Our gamers like our sense of humor.  Glamma and her adventures are just one aspect of the great fun gamers have here at Jackpot Capital.


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