Here at Jackpot Capital, we see ourselves as part of the leading edge of a new era in society which we can call the information age. The idea that we are in a new era of fast-to-instant information is not new. The idea that an online casino is intimately part of this new information era is a new idea.
What Does Jackpot Capital Have to Do with the New Information Age?
Firs we need to understand what we mean when we talk about an information age. Communication these days is so fast that people are able to access information at the tap or swipe of a finger.
The transmission of information through digital technology is what we mean when we say that we are fully within an information era. Digital technology rules the roost in so many ways. The term online was born because of digital technology. The internet is all digital technology.
Jackpot Capital may occupy a small sliver of the massive digital tech world, but in casino terms, we are as much a product of the internet as any big box internet store.
Just as people increasingly shop on the internet so do people increasingly play casino games on the internet. This is not a trivial matter for casino gamers. The availability of Jackpot Capital and thousands of other online casinos means that a person needs a good reason to spend time and money, not to mention enduring the hassles of travel, to go to a land-based casino.
Online is Growing Faster Than Anyone Anticipated
Anyone who has finally taken off the shelves in their house that set of encyclopedias they bought for their kids way back when knows that the entire encyclopedia now exists online.
Online is growing so fast in the casino gaming world that even many land-based casinos now offer the ultimate in online gaming, namely, mobile gaming in the hotel. Travelling to play digital games is no longer the only way to do so.
Land-based Casinos are Not Entirely Digital
There are a lot of games that people play at land-based casinos that they play live. Blackjack, poker, craps, roulette, bingo, keno, baccarat, and so on are all played live. This is at the same time a strength and a weakness for land-based casinos.
It is a strength because a lot of people will travel to a land-based casino simply because they want to play craps or roulette and yell and scream when the croupier spins the wheel or the shooter rolls the dice.
It is a weakness because the opposite of digital is physical and all land-based casinos are limited by the physical, namely, their walls. They might be huge casinos but they are still limited by those onerous walls. Online casinos such as Jackpot Capital have no walls. The digital element in online casino gaming means that we can accommodate thousands of gamers on the same game at the same time.
Land-based casinos can barely accommodate twenty players on the same game at the same time.
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Land-based Casinos Have Digital Games, Too
The most prominent digital games at land-based casinos are video poker and slots. As we said above, a land-based casino may have ten terminals of a popular slot so they can accommodate ten players at those slots. A land-based casino may have one or two variations of video poker and just a few terminals offering those variations.
Online Casinos Know Their Gamers Well
We know the people who play our online casino games since all of the game results are stored in our data bank. Land-based casinos cannot possibly have a fully fleshed-out portrait of the average player since the players turn over every couple of days.
Online Casinos Use the Information to Make Gaming Better
The things that online casinos can do because they know their audience are a lot better than the things land-based casinos try to do.
Online casinos can offer deposit bonuses for thousands of dollars while land-based casinos cannot offer any such bonuses. The wagering requirement, which is necessary to prevent gamers from cashing out a bonus as soon as they get it, blocks land-based casinos from offering bonuses.
With the information we have about our gamers, we can create promotions that “speak” to them. Our most popular promotion for at least the last year has been Glamma’s Adventures in which our sexy mascot, septuagenarian Glamma, travels the world from one exotic place to another.
In addition to the huge 222% deposit bonus Glamma offers, gamers can vicariously enjoy Glamma’s many vacations and may even be spurred to plan similar vacations of their own.
Glamma is the Personification of the Information Age
Here at Jackpot Capital, we wanted to have a mascot of sorts. An Australian online casino may have a koala bear or a kangaroo. Another casino might have a lion. We decided to create a person who would be attractive to the overwhelming majority of our gamers.
First, we had to decide if the mascot would be a man or a woman. We found that most of our gamers are men and they like to play slots that feature pretty women. We also found that our female gamers are also very fond of slots with pretty women.
So, we decided on a woman. How old should she be? We talked about it and came to the conclusion that she should be an older woman in full health. Glamma is a magnificently pretty 70-something.
Finally, we put Glamma on a motorcycle. This gives gamers the idea that Glamma is a “with it” kind of person even at 70+ years old.
From the start, Glamma was a popular figure at Jackpot Capital. Then one of our promotional geniuses had the idea of sending Glamma on a trip “around the world”. And the rest is not just history but the present and the future as well.
All of this is owing to the fact that we have information about what our gamers like.
How Will Information and Digital Technology Impact Online Casino Gaming Going Forward?
Jackpot Capital will continue to use information to deliver ever-better online casino gaming to our gamers. Improvements in digital technology have already made our mobile platform the go-to place for our gamers to play our online casino games.
As mobile gets better, our mobile platform will get better. The interface will become exponentially clearer. Animation will soon be the prominent feature of most slots. The tech will allow gamers to determine the storyline they want in a slot while also retaining the integrity of the slot itself.
It is an amazing thought that we are at the beginning of the information and digital age. What hath digital and information wrought?
As we said, Jackpot Capital occupies a tiny sliver of the digital world. Still, our gamers benefit greatly from information and digital technology. To find out more, we invite you to…