Memorial Day is a day for us to take a moment, step back and pay our respects to those who have fought for our freedom. We each have learned how to pay our respects in our own ways, and for us here at Jackpot Capital, we want to give back by offering you a both Regular and VIP Memorial Day bonuses! Today can be a heavy day, but we would like to offer you this bonus in effort to lift your spirits and get you in the mood to win. It doesn’t pay to think your day away and not enjoy yourself, living life this way gives our enemies a victory. Don’t waste your freedom away, instead take advantage of your chance to do what you love! Join us for our Memorial Day Promotions! Keep reading to find out more about how to have fun while honoring our heroes.
The Importance of Memorial Day
What makes this day so important in our history? Memorial Day is a dedication to our American Heroes who have sacrificed themselves in honor of our starry flag flying high. Many visit Memorial services and graveyards to display their gratitude. It is a day of remembrance, but not a day we treat with gloom. In true American spirit, Memorial Day is a day to gather with friends and family. The martyrs of this country did not sacrifice themselves for us to be in a state of dread. Instead, we must remember not only their lives, but keep the American spirit this country was founded on alive.
Born in the years following the Civil War, Memorial Day has a history parallel to the division of the states. Originally called Decoration Day, and established by Union General John Logan on May 5th, 1868, the holiday was created for the purpose of decorating fallen soldiers graves with flowers. The exact date chosen was chosen because it was an arbitrary date, not signifying any specific battle. By 1890, all the the Northern states recognized the holiday, however it took until after WWI for the country to unify in memorial and 1971 for U.S Congress to pass the National Holiday Act, moving Memorial Day to the last Monday in May. The idea is to promote gatherings and a full day in memory, rather than just a moment in time, which could be easily lost in the shuffle of the day.
With such a long and storied History, along with the importance of the day, we work to commemorate this Holiday with honor and respect. We like to think of the way America has used the power of film to convey why it is so important to honor soldiers, and the nature of their work and fight to keep Americans safe. A recent example would be the film American Sniper, which tells the story behind Navy SEAL veteran Chris Kyle and his feats. There is a real emotional power behind this movie and it works to connect why we cannot take things for granted. So, this Memorial Day, make sure you make some time for those around you who have served our country, and take advantage of our Memorial Day Regular bonus offer and VIP offer in order to have something extra to treat them with!

Collect Your Honor Bonus, Pay Tribute!
We hope that with our brief history lesson, you have taken the proper time to consider and pay your respects in your own way. Now, here is our way of paying respects - With a Memorial Day Bonus!
From May 22nd - 28th, make at least one deposit with us and on May 29th only, you’ll be eligible for a $100 Free Bonus! After you’ve made your deposit during this time period, login on May 29th and use the below Coupon code in order to redeem your freebie!
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1 Day Only Offer: |
$100 FREE Bonus |
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May 22nd - May 29th |
Like Chris Kyle, and all of the brave men and women that sacrifice themselves to do the job of protecting our country that they dedicate themselves to, we take pride in the United States. We are founded on the principles of freedom and if it wasn’t for them we wouldn’t be able to enjoy the lives that we do. So, let’s connect the greatness of all that America is, from our soldiers, to our films, to our families, to our games.
We honor our soldiers all year long, but we can’t do the same with our Memorial Day bonuses! We challenge you to take time out of your daily routine and honor our soldiers. It is something taken for granted and often forgotten, but it can be remedied. Sometimes we need a reminder. A good way to remember would be to follow us on Twitter and Facebook, where we will surely be taking the time to pay our respects. Thank you, to all of those who have helped make America free.
Make your deposit now to ensure you are eligible to receive the Free $100! Play our great games and grab that VIP Memorial Day Bonus, and don’t forget to salute our heroes today!
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