a smiling older couple comfortably together on the sofa enjoying the images on their mobile device

Recently, we spoke about variations in roulette.  The discussion segued into a general review of variation in the different game categories here at Jackpot Capital.  In addition to the many variations in roulette, we also offer Jackpot Capital blackjack variations.

Spoiler alert: there is one blackjack variation that is so different that gamers flock to it: this one is called 21 Face Up.  In this variation, the player sees both of the dealer’s cards!  As you might imagine, there are rules that are entirely unique to 21 Face Up.  Learning these special rules and playing 21 Face Up can be a fun and entertaining activity!

Gamers Can Win at Blackjack with Good Strategy

Blackjack has been studied by computer.  We know what the best action is on every hand.  While blackjack was once considered a great game of skill, computers have taken the skill out to a large extent.  Still, blackjack is far from a pure game of chance!

Slots are a Pure Game of Chance

Slots are the most common game of chance.  In fact, slots are still the most popular game here at Jackpot Capital and the game with the largest number of different games.

We carry many other games of chance such as Baccarat, Fish Catch, Banana Jones, Keno, and others.  Blackjack is at once a game of skill where the skill side has been taken over by statistical analysis and a game of chance since the dealer still has to deal the cards and the best strategy, which is eminently accessible to gamers, leads gamers to the proverbial trough but luck does in the end determine the outcome of every hand.

The power of following the best strategy on every hand is such that with said best strategy, a gamer has a return to player rate of 99.5%!

The Dealer Does Deal the Cards

There is a blackjack strategy that once captivated the land-based casino blackjack crowd but has fallen on less applicable times: card counting.  Now, card counting for a player who can master it and can find a blackjack game that uses only one deck can increase his or her winning chances.

Mastering card counting is a lot harder than its practitioners and salespeople would like you to believe.  Keep on mind that a single mistake in counting could lead a player to making a statistically unwise bet!

Furthermore, land-based casinos do not generally offer single deck blackjack.  They offer multi-deck blackjack; they more often use a six-deck shoe.  Many land-based casinos have a perpetually shuffling machine at work, making card counting impossible.

The truth is that even at online casinos, which also use perpetually shuffling software, card counting is functionally impossible.

And with all that, following the basics of statistically proven sound strategy a gamer’s return to player rate will be about 99.5%!

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How Can a Gamer Learn the Best Strategy for Every Variation of Blackjack?

Statisticians have studied every variation of blackjack and many sites have published strategy charts for every variation.  Most gamers do not memorize these strategy charts but it is perfectly reasonable to use one when you play online.

The thing to avoid is to use hunches and guesswork when playing blackjack.  This will lead to larger losses than a gamer would otherwise encounter.  With a return to player rate of 99.5%, if a player bets $1000 over time, he or she will likely end up losing $50!  Not too bad for a few hours of fun!  With just a smidgen of good luck, that same gamer will win $50 over the same period of time!

Here are a few tips for happy blackjack play:

  1. Never drink alcohol while playing.  Alcohol reduces cognitive function and anyone who has an older friend or relative with some cognitive loss knows that this is not a condition with which to play a game of strategy such as blackjack for real money.
  2. Never overeat when playing blackjack.  Overeating causes drowsiness as our bodies try to digest the food.  By the way, giving out free alcohol and free vouchers for the buffet are actually strategies that land-based casinos use to get players back on the casino floor too tired to make good judgement calls or too tipsy to make good decisions.
  3. Play in short sessions.  This makes online casino gaming for real money more of a pastime and much less of an obsession.  It also makes it a lot easier to manage one’s money well.  Jackpot Capital wants all gamers to see gaming as a fun and entertaining activity and not an obsession.
  4. Never play for real money when you are tired or feel even slightly ill.
  5. Develop interests outside of casino gaming.  There are so many hobbies and activities that you can make your own.  Do it!
  6. Never follow a sure-fire betting system.

We have to explain this last listed item.

What is a Betting System and Why Does Jackpot Capital Discourage Them?

A betting system is a strict form of betting that is said to guarantee winning at the casino.  This is as false as false can be!  If even one betting system were proven to guarantee winning at the casino, all casinos would shut their doors forever!

The most famous betting system is the Martingale System.  The great flaw in this system is that it does not take even a short losing streak into account.  It also fails to take into account the basic principles of sound money management.

The most basic principle of sound money management is “don’t throw good money after bad”.  The Martingale System simply ignores this basic principle.   Here is how the Martingale System fails its followers.  Let’s say that we are playing blackjack for $5 per hand.

In the Martingale System, a player doubles his or her bet after a loss.  Then when the inevitable win comes along, the player wins back their original bet.  Let’s take a look at a losing streak of five hands and see where the Martingale System leads to.

  1. First hand bet $5.                            This hand loses.
  2. Second hand bet $10.                      This hand loses.
  3. Third hand bet $20.                          This hand loses.
  4. Fourth hand vet $40.                        This hand loses.
  5. Fifth hand bet $80.                           This hand loses.

Even after the third loss in a row, a good player would have folded up for the evening.  Making a $40 bet to win $5 is foolish indeed.  But after just five losses in a row, the Martingale System has the player betting $160 in order to win $5!

Play Online Blackjack at Jackpot Capital

We hope that we have whet your appetite for the great game of strategy called blackjack.  We also offer about 300 other great games so gamers can avail themselves of a lot of fun gaming without incurring the cost of travel to a land-based casino!

Use that “found money” to fund a real vacation!


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