Let's Join Glamma in Costa Rica in July

Jackpot Capital’s Glamma is no milquetoast even when the milk she drinks is as warm as toast!  Glamma is in Costa Rica!  Who woulda thunk it?  Glamma’s Adventures have taken her to Costa Rica where the jungle and the rain forest combine to make summers hot and sticky.

Glamma’s Adventures is Our Top Promotion this Entire Year

Every month, Glamma offers great prizes for lucky spinners of Glamma’s Wheel.  Glamma also offers a 222% deposit bonus!  Gamers enjoy free spins as part of Glamma’s Adventures.  Finally, gamers can vicariously enjoy Glamma’s world hopping adventures!

Glamma’s Adventures is a promotion that offers gamers great prizes and bonuses and also whets gamers appetite for travel to exotic places.  Glamma has her bucket list.  Do you have yours?

Why is Glamma in Costa Rica Now?

Glamma was attracted to Costa Rica specifically because of the jungle and rain forest!  She also felt that going there in December would be depriving her of the true jungle and rain forest experience.  Well, now that she is there, she is encountering the largest mosquitoes this side of Siberia!  She has met a few of the wild animals that make their year-round home in the thick Costa Rican forests.

There is a Lot More to Costa Rica Than Thick Forests

Before we go into some detail about what Glamma has experienced and will continue to experience in the forest of Costa Rica, let’s take a look at what the country has to offer aside from tangled branches, thick ground cover, cackling birds, and dripping wet climate.

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Costa Rica is Neither Big nor Small

The country is about the size of West Virginia.  It has a population of about 5 million people.  Since the towns are quite small, except for the capital San Jose, Glamma understands that a lot of the country’s economy is based on tourism.

Tamarindo is a perfect case in point.  It has just about 5,000 permanent residents but travelers consider it a must stop on a vacation if you have enough time to get there.  Tamarindo has several hotels and a lot of beach area.  Glamma will spend a couple or three days here where she will spend some time at the beach where she will take surfing lessons.   In the evening, at least once, Glamma will walk up to the Tamarindo Moonlight Night Market.

They say that the exotic local food is worth a taste, there are a couple of bars will good drinks, and live music.  Glamma is hoping to hear local groups or individuals play the music of the local people.

When she is in Tamarindo, Glamma plans on going to the spa just outside of town.  The spa advertises itself as a massage spa and Glamma is looking forward to a couple or three different massages!

From Tamarindo, Glamma will continue further north into the Guanacaste Province of which Tamarindo is a small part.  In the northern reaches of the Guanacaste Province, Glamma will take a tour to the volcano in the Parque Nacional Volcan Tenono.  On her way back to San Jose, Glamma will visit the Monteverde Cloud Forest.

San Jose

San Jose, Costa Rica is the bustling capital city of Costa Rica with a population of about 1.5 million people.  The city grows about 1.5% every year.  Given the large number of tourists that visit Costa Rica every year from all over the world, it stands to reason that San Jose would be quite cosmopolitan in the attitude of its people and in the museums, restaurants, markets, cultural attractions, and more that a vibrant capital city can offer.

In Costa Rica, the term barrio refers to a section of the city, not specifically a neighborhood.  One of the most popular barrios for tourists is Barrio Amon.  This is where the wealthy people lived even centuries ago and where they built their magnificent estates.

In contrast to Barrio Amon which is all architecture, old homes, and the edifices of great wealth, Barrio Escalante has all of the amenities a cosmoplolitan traveler would want including restaurants and pubs.  Barrio Escalante is also home to many exotic bakeries and Glamma is looking forward to sampling the goods at several local bakeries.

There are many great museums in San Jose.  The Gold Museum features gold figures and figurines that pre-date the arrival of the Europeans who valued gold as money as much as they valued it aesthetically.  In Costa Rica before Columbus, gold was more a metal for jewelry and sculpture.

It was the Europeans who gave the land its name which in Spanish means Rich Coast.

Does Glamma Prefer the Costa Rican Rain Forest or the Jungle?

To tell the truth, even though Glamma has already been in Costa Rica for  few days, she has no idea which hot and wet ecosystem she “prefers”.  Glamma told Jackpot Capital: “I don’t know the difference between the two and I don’t really care.  I just want to feel stuck in the hottest, wettest, and most humid environment I have ever been in.”

Let us Fill You In

The rainforest has very tall trees that block the sun more than in the jungle.  As a result, there is a lot less flora at the forest bottom in a rain forest than in a jungle.  People can hike in the rain forest whereas hiking in the jungle is a real challenge.

In the rain forest, wherever there is vegetation on the ground, people know that at some time the sun peeked through even if for a short time.

In the rain forest, vines act as snakes slithering up the trunks of trees searching for some sunlight.  The people at Jackpot Capital told Glamma to see the vines in the rain forest as the vines in the great casual game Banana Jones!

The tops of lower trees make the ground level extraordinarily humid.  There are many small animals at ground level including rodents, lizards, and real snakes.  Glamma promises to be very careful!  While most of the animals live high up in the tall trees of the rainforest, down below trekkers can hear the cacophony they produce.

And Now the Jungle

The jungle is true tangle of vegetation at ground level.  Larger, more dangerous animals, live on the ground in the jungle.  The jungle is so difficult to traverse on foot that many companies offer zipline tours of the jungle from above.  Glamma is going to take a zipline tour, at least one.  She hopes that it is accessible enough to a motorcycling woman ─ meaning that she knows how to hold on ─ that she might take a few!

Jackpot Capital Salutes Glamma

We know of no other senior citizen like Glamma.  And Glamma says that she knows no online casino like Jackpot Capital!  Glamma says that she might play a few games on our great mobile platform but after ziplining over the jungle, even Banana Jones might seem slow!  And Glamma loves Banana Jones!

If you are not out adventuring like Glamma, may we invite you to…


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