two young couples on a happy road trip together

In a recent article, we talked about saving money by gaming at Jackpot Capital Online Casino instead of travelling to a land-based casino, and earmarking the travel money saved for a “real vacation”.  In case you missed it, CLICK HERE.

So, now we will channel our best variation of travel agent and travel guru and we will talk about what a real vacation really is!

There Are Many Types of Vacations

Just as we carry many variations in blackjack and video poker, not to mention slots, there are also many variations in vacations.  Here are just a few vacation variations:

  1. Mountains
  2. Sea shore
  3. Small towns
  4. Big cities
  5. Hiking
  6. Strolling
  7. With children
  8. Without children
  9. With friends
  10. Without friends
  11. Cruise
  12. Rail travel
  13. Road trip

We could go on and on but we guess that you get the idea; there are many different types of vacations and there is also a lot of overlap among them.  In fact, there is so much to talk about in the vacation realm that here we will concentrate on just one type of vacation and we will return to the concept of a real vacation next month.

This will make it sort of our Gamers’ Adventures to go along with our Glamma’s Adventures promotion!

Subjectively Speaking

So. Let’s talk today about a small-town vacation with one other couple, no kids, and we will also make it a road trip vacation.

Blue Highways

In 1978, a Native American named William Least-Heat Moon wrote a book called Blue Highways in which he set out to “discover America” by following only the blue highways as they used to be entered on old highway maps.

It is very important to remember that people used to get around using maps!  This is one of the major aspects of a small-town road trip type of vacation!  Get hold of some good maps and stop using GPS for this trip.  If you get lost, ask someone to help get you back on the right track.

What Will You Find on a Small-town Road Trip Vacation?

You will discover local restaurants.  Least-Heat Moon also swore off fast food for his long trip.  You can do the same!  A local restaurant does not have to be a greasy spoon.  In fact, if a restaurant is still in business in a small town, it is likely a very clean spoon kind of place!

While most small-town restaurants have the classic food items on the menu, a lot will have some kind of local or ethnic dish.  There are as many variations of pizza as there are variations of video poker!

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Stop at Roadside Antique Stores

You never know what you’ll find at a blue highways antique store.  The proprietor is likely to be a local character!  It is usually a woman but there are also plenty of men who operate an antique store.  An antique store may have genuine, centuries-old antiques.  It might have more modern hand-sewn tapestries, table cloths, clothes, blankets, or quilts.

An antique store may have a game you played as a kid.  It might have old magazines or bools that make you wax nostalgic.

Get a Haircut at a Local Barbershop

The local barbershop is a cliché in American civic life.  You might find that an hour spent at a local barbershop gives you a very different perspective on the American people.  This is such a different perspective than the one people get after several hours gambling at a land-based casino!

Visit a Local Museum

Museums can get very boring very quickly.  But a short visit to a truly local museum will often open up a different way of looking at the people and places you are visiting.  A local Museum of Art won’t have single painting by any of the all-time greats!  However, it will have artworks by talented local people.  These talented local people may actually seem more talented to you than the classic great artists!

Walk along Riverbanks

There are hundreds of rivers in the United States.  It is true that most of them are east of the Mississippi.  Even west of the Mississippi there are plenty of short waterways.  Travelers can often find hiking or walking paths along these rivers, creeks, and brooks.

Stay at Ma and Pa Motels

These are a vanishing breed of accommodation but along the blue highways, it is still possible to find a small motel that may very well have been built by the owner, himself or herself!

There is usually nothing sleek about a home-made motel!  That is a large part of the charm.  Of course, it has to be clean; the bed has to be comfortable; and the owner has to be communicative enough to steer you in the right direction for tomorrow’s adventures.

Shop at Grocery Stores

This is an aspect of the “staying local” motif.  A small, local grocery store is likely to have products from the major food companies but it will also have local products such as wine, beer, jams and jellies, honey, fudge, baked goods and breads, to name just a few products a local grocer might carry.

You should also sample local fruits and vegetables.   There is a type of apple, called the Cortland apple, that is usually available only in the upper Midwest.  People in the know, know!  There are usually many locally grown or produced food items.

Sample the Local Sweets

Unless you are diabetic, we recommend going to a local bakery and checking out their products.  Many small towns have a small, local ice cream producer.

So, What Would You Like to Do?

Does a small-town road trip vacation sound like a great long weekend excursion or would you rather go to a land-based casino?  We think that given the choice most people would choose the small-town vacation.

It may seem unbelievable but there is simply a tremendous number of things to do on a blue highways road trip.  We have really just skimmed the surface.  Keep in mind that people can usually choose any of the four directions as their starting point.  On a three-day trip, there will be many places that you don’t have time to visit “this time”!

There will always be a “next time”.  At a land-based casino, the next time is pretty much just like the last time!

What if I Want to Play Casino Games?

Our solution here at Jackpot Capital is to play on our excellent mobile platform.  Mobile has certainly come a long way since mobile devices were the size of dinosaurs!  Mobile is actually the favorite way to play casino games these days.

So, if you need a few spins or hands, we have you covered!

Jackpot Capital carries some 300 games.  We have spoken here in passing about the many variations we carry in blackjack and video poker.  We also carry about 200 slots and many other games you are likely to never see at any land-based casino.

For happy online casino gaming and many great long weekend road trips…


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